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Carlyn Westerink
Carlyn Westerink (1995) is a visual artist and applied illustrator, based in Amsterdam the Netherlands. In 2022 she obtained her BA Illustration Design at ArtEZ Institute of the Arts.
She creates enchanting and detailed (colour) pencil drawings that take you to a surreal world. Each work tells a story that stems from her fascination with nature, through which symbolism and philosophical theories subtly weave. The result? Scenes that keep you looking longer, when you slowly lose the sense of time.
In addition with her autonomous work, she is also working with the planographic printing technique, lithography. In this she draws with an
oil-based, lithographic pencil on limestone. The complex and particular technique behind the artisanal creation of images plays an important role in the making process. For her it’s the understanding of making ‘slow art’, that goes directly against our fast technological times of creating images. The works that are printed form endless stories, with splits to snapshots and ideas about the human relationship with nature.
Clients: VPRO | Hard//Hoofd | De Optimist | Wintertuin |
Pleasant Place | Biobased Creations | BVF Overijssel |
Illustratie Ambassade | NDSM Art City
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